Straight Jacket - Kool G. Rap & DJ Polo

[Kool G. Rap] 
Help me doctor doctor cause I'm seein lots of spots 
I'm thinkin of pink elephants with little polka dots 
I'm tired  crazy tired  but I can not get no sleep 
Cause every time I close my eyes I think I'm six feet deep 
I feel I'm goin slow as hell but everything is speedin 
Last night I woke up screamin and my bathroom walls were bleedin 
I thought I fell asleep at work  but then when I awoke 
I was all alone and had my own hands on my throat 
Clippings from the newspaper of murders my library 
Sometimes I get a urge to walk inside a cemetary 
I looked into a mirror seen a rope around my neck 
I smoked a lot of cigarettes, cause I'm a nervous wreck 
Tryin to relax, I ran some water in the tub 
Vision somebody slaughtered, then the water turned to blood 
I'm runnin down the hallway tryin to reach an exit door 
The more and more I run seems like it's further than before 
Voices sometimes tell me what I won't do, what I will do 
Voices in my head right now are tellin me to kill you 
Filled up with anxiety, I went to Lover's Lane 
Seen a couple kissin, then blew out the brother's brain 
I feel the world's against me and the women are so dirty 
I hate women today because my mother used to hurt me 
I think I'm goin crazy Doc no longer can I hack it 
Please, doctor please, put me in a straight jacket 

A lady picked me up hitchikin, what a big mistake 
Several hours later, there's a body by the lake 
Walked into a train station, headed towards the back 
Caught a flashback, and pushed a man right on the track 
I'm in my darkroom inside my house that is deserted 
developin the photo of a hoe that I just murdered 
I took a walk one night because I wanted to get out 
I stepped outside, I paused,