Strictly Mr. T - Megan Slankard
Strictly Mr. Thompson goes to work everyday Except Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays —He leaves at three He used to leave at four But the commute over the Altamont Was too much for him —Cars blocked all possible exits and escape was unlikely Well, today he slammed the sleep button down so hard The radio sounded just like chip and dale He said, “I refuse to go on this way I need a little holiday I'll be back in a few hours honey!” And he hopped into the automobile He said, “bye baby! Good day hey!” Strictly Mr. T pulled over to the rest stop For one to smoke a cigarette (though he quit) And for another 'cause he lost his way But hell the view was beautiful He called her on the cell phone but it kept going in and out of analog roam and so he said “Bye baby! Good day hey!” Strictly Mr. T goes to work everyday Except Saturdays, Sundays, and “I can't take it days” His boss doesn't seem to mind as long as T works overtime It will not get deducted from his pay from his pay "From your pay and have a good day!" Bye baby! Bye baby! Good day hey!
Artist: Megan Slankard
Title: Strictly Mr. T