Superboy And The Invisible Girl - Next To Normal

Natalie :
Superboy and the Invisible Girl... 
Son of steel and daughter of air.
He's a hero, a lover, a prince—
She's not there .

Superboy and the Invisible Girl... 
Everything a kid ought to be.
He's immortal, forever alive—
Then there's me .

I wish I could fly
And magically appear
And disappear.
I wish I could fly
I'd fly far away from here .

Superboy and the Invisible Girl... 
He's the one you wish would appear.
He's your hero, forever your son—
He's not here.
I am here .

You know that's not true.
You're our little pride and joy, 
Our perfect plan .
You know I love you... 
I love you as much as I can .

Natalie :
Take a look at the Invisible Girl ... 
Here she is, clear as the day .
Please look closely and find her before
She fades away .

Natalie & Gabe:
Superboy and the Invisible Girl... 
Son of steel and daughter of air.
He's a hero, a lover, a prince 
She's not there... 
She's not there... 
She's not there... 
She's not there .