Take Me Home - King Missile

Take me home, take me home
Take me home and throw me down
Take me home, take me home
Take me home and tie me up

'Cause you're the one my body's been waiting, aching for You're the one I
need in my darkest hour
You're the one who knows what a hypocrite I am
You're the one who knows my whole life is a pathetic sham

Take me home, take me home
Take me home and tie me up
Take me home, take me home
Take me home and spit in my face

Take me home, take me home
Take me home and spit in my face
Take me home, take me home
Take me home and kick me hard

'Cause you're the one I trust enough You're the one I
trust enough to hurt me
You're the only one I want you to give me what I deserve You're the only
one I trust and the only one with the nerve
Artist: King Missile
Title: Take Me Home