Thats All I Want From You - Jane Morgan
THAT'S ALL I WANT FROM YOUJaye P. MorganA little love that slowly grows and growsNot one that comes and goesThat's all I want from youA sunny day with bolts up to the skyA kiss and no goodbye That's all I want from youDon't let me down, Oh show me that you careRemember when you give, You also get your shareDon't let me down, I have no time to waste Tomorrow might not come, When dreamers dream too lateA little love that slowly grows and growsNot one that comes and goesThat's all I want from youMusic interludeDon't let me down, Oh show me that you careRemember when you give, You also get your shareDon't let me down, I have no time to waste Tomorrow might not come, When dreamers dream too lateRepeat first verseThat's all I want from you
Artist: Jane Morgan
Title: Thats All I Want From You