The Color of Your Wings - Face Down
Taste of the life, devour your soul Your boys are now numbers raising the toll You think you're a victim, societies leech Sinned all your existence, white powder you preach Violence to gain, history's excuse When all along it's the path you choose For you are the one whom the media sings Soon you will see the color of your wings Superior race, professional hate You lost your chance, too little too late Your fallen leader to whom you serve Fanatics get what fanatics deserve Hating the world, idea that you eat You follow your icon who tasted defeat True angel of death your future brings Soon you will see the color of your wings It must be that it got to me I can't take it anymore Rage and hatred funning free God only knows what we have in store A terrible time a vicious crime Five billion people stand in line Just to see what will never be The need to hate worth so much more We don't discriminate, we hate everyone Fuck you and your history and your black Miss America Discriminate against all other skins Cause you know your justice is below the law White trash little nazi shit conformists one and all If you could think through your bald ass head You might think for yourself God help us all Red, white, and black you're just a man Don't make you right and us all wrong So here's to all you racists fucks For inspiration to my song
Artist: Face Down
Title: The Color of Your Wings