The Night And The Silent Water - Opeth

And so you left us
Jaded and gaunt, some September
Wilted with the seasons
But hidden inside the delusion
I saw you eyes, somewhere

Devoid of death
The aura poises amidst (the storm)
In solid tears I linger
A parlor glade, moonlit sorrow
Lonely resting pools
Relics of the moon-dogged lake
Whisper: "All your words are miss given"
 meaning   byjulesmasnson     The live version from The Roundhouse Tapes is so much better than the Morningrise studio version. But one thing confuses me. If you listen to the first few…    See all   
Am I like them?
Those who mourn and turn away
Those who would give anything
To see you again
If only for another second

Your face was, like the photograph
Painted white
We did not speak very often about it
What does it matter now?

Cloak of autumn shroud
I gaze, dim ricochet of stars
I reckon it is time for me to leave

You sleep in the light
Yet the night and the silent water
Still so dark...