The Perfect Plan - Grey Eye Glances

meet me down alone by the river 
ready the boat we push off at sunset 
no regrets just clear empty spaces 
one last look, prepare yourself hold on tight 
I've been watching you some time at some distance never knew some things still surprise me like how your eyes can capture my moments why return when all I believe is 
here at once I tell you what I mentioned did I forget to mention 
the breeze is from the west 
almost too often 
the sounds are solace-softened 
drove a hundred miles in a foreign land 
found my refuge scattered like dust upon the landscape and all we need is a perfect plan 
and I believe I have one 
I buried it in the darkened sand 
so it rained we walked 
you said you felt nothing 
almost there 
there can you feel that 
swear I saw this scene in some movie 
long before or was it a dream 
I had to wait until the window opened 
until the spell was broken to bits 
I thought I left behind a shadow of doubt within the hollows 
drove a hundred miles in a foreign land 
found my refuge scattered like dust upon the landscape and all we need is a perfect plan 
and I believe I have one 
I buried it in the darkened sand 
darker still, how still is the river 
yes we wrote it years ago in letters 
did we expect it ever to come 
and come to think of it I noticed 
a shifting in the distance 
a changing in the substance 
drove a hundred miles in a foreign land 
found my refuge scattered like dust upon the landscape and all we need is a perfect plan 
and I believe I've got it 
drove a hundred miles in a foreign land 
found my refuge scattered like dust upon the landscape and all we need is a perfect plan 
and I have seen a hint of it 
almost caught a glimpse of it 
maybe it is best if we 
tie the boat 
respect for the river 
even time 
keeps her own secrets