I saw my baby
She was turning blue
I knew that soon, her
Young life was through
And so I got down on my knees
Down by her bed
And these are the words
To her I said
Everything will be alright tonight
Everything will be alright tonight
No one moves
No one talks
No one thinks
No one walks tonight
Everyone will be alright tonight
Everyone will be alright tonight
No one moves
No one talks
No one thinks
No one walks tonight
I am gonna love her till the end
I am gonna love her till the end
I will love her till I die
I will see her in the sky
Alright, I have a pretty good job
It's, it's good to have a job
But no matter what job you have
Do you kind of find after you get it
Oh shit! There are some shit that goes through this that I didn't think of
A little game play, a little politics, a little evil
No rest, constant stress
That's why I say sometimes