Toy Soldiers - Carbon Leaf

Today I strike out on my own 
The dog is dead. The kids have grown 
I fell asleep in my writing chair 
I drempt I'd found my childhood stare 
To family dinner Christmas night 
We'd cross the river shipyard lights 
Before the heartbreak and unknown 
Today I strike out on my own 

Hi-diddely-o, didn't ya know? 
You fade once you glow 
Didn't ya know, child? 
After the ryhme, high time 
diddely-o, didn't you know? 
You fade once you glow. 
Didn't ya known, child? 
After the ryhme, high time. 

The families gather but we're all 
Mere Shadows in this Banquet Hall 
I'm beggin mom will you understand 
I'm beggin dad will you hold her hand 
To play outside was all i'd known 
And Christmas lights on every home 


We find the people of our dreams 
We find that they're not what they seem 
I've learned that people come and go 
I've learned that families break and grow 
Toy soldiers brave away those tears 
Toy soldiers hope for better years 
Today I strike out on my own 
The dog is dead. We kids have grown. 

Artist: Carbon Leaf
Title: Toy Soldiers