Two Towers (American Song) - Independence Day

We all heard the news today, so we took some time to pray for you
Kids who've lost their moms and dads, 
Parents lost the children they had too, we pray for you
Husbands who have lost their wives, 
And ladies lost the men in their lives too
Workers who have lost their friends, 
Neighbors that we hope to see again too, we pray for you


Twin towers we see you standing tall, 
Though a building's lost our faith will never fall
Twin towers the world hears your call, 
Though you're gone it only strengthens our resolve
We couldn't make it through this without you Lord, 
Through hard times we come together more

America the beautiful, we pray for our leaders too for you
Washington and Adams cry, Freedom & our flag will fly for you
We'll get through this troubled time, I'll care for yours, you care for mine too
Let's lock arms and join our hands, young and old we'll take a stand for you


Twin towers we see you standing tall, 
Though a building's lost our faith will never fall
Pennsylvania and D.C. we hear your call, 
Through your pain it only strengthens our resolve
We couldn't make it through this without you Lord, 
Through hard times we come together more

Repeat chorus

For freedom... for freedom...