Unsaved - Immolation

Shining with hues of magnificent splendor 
Leading the way, revere him 
The righteous, the saved 
hand in hand, poised in rapture 
Blissful delusion, believe in forever 
Choirs of angels strike chords of transgression 

How you are like your savior 
With souls impure and vile 
Rescued from our presence 
your fall will be divine 
Behold, the days of righteousness are coming 
For wicked are the hearts of men and gods 
Cleanse yourselves, step out of the light 

Purge me of Christ...empowered, unsaved 
Humble before him...the price for their saving 

Don't pray for my soul for I'll rise above you 
My hatred is my strength and through this I'll conquer 
The fear and the weakness I see in your eyes 

Touched by the divine 
They hide in the light 
Adorn me with his crown
Artist: Immolation
Title: Unsaved