Uptown,downtown(misery's All The Same) - Mark Chesnutt

(Ron Peterson, Harlan Howard)

I said I¡¯m through with honky tonks 
They only bring me down
I dressed my best and headed for 
The brightest spot in town
I¡¯ve watched the rich folks come and go and one thing¡¯s very clear
There¡¯s just as many lonely people here

I¡¯m just hangin¡¯ ¡®round a better class of losers 
It don¡¯t matter if you drink bear or champagne
I¡¯ve only found a better class of losers
Uptown, downtown misry¡¯s all the same

It¡¯s been all downhill for me
since baby walked away
I¡¯m down here at the bottom 
And I guess that¡¯s where I¡¯ll stay
I¡¯m looking for the answers
But all that I¡¯ve seen here
Is the same old lonely phony atmosphere 

Repeat Chorus

For the blues are still the blues
Still just as hard to lose
Uptown, downtown...misery¡¯s all the same