Warriors of Love - Dewa 19
Hey there, all you lovers of peace Watch out, watch out and be on guard For lost souls, anger twisting their hearts For lost souls, poisoned by ignorance and hate There’s no doubt, evil dwells in the hearts Of all those, of all those who are full of hate There’s no doubt, evil dwells in the souls Of all those, of all those full of prejudice REFF: Warriors of love Spread the seeds of love throughout the earth Go and destroy the virus of hatred That makes people’s hearts sick and depraved By corrupting their souls Warriors of Love Teach the mystical science of love For only love is the eternal Truth And the shining path for all God’s children everywhere in the world If hatred has already poisoned you Against those … who worship differently Then evil has already gripped your soul Then evil’s got you in its damning embrace If so, don’t bother to hope or dream that I…that I’ll ever love or embrace People full of hate and anger like you People… who’re always full of lust… for others’ blood Back to REFF Hey there, all you lovers of peace, don’t ever don’t ever don’t ever don’t Try to play God, by judging and condemning anyone different from you For God has not given you the right to be mankind’s judge and jury Nor the power to know the ultimate Truth, or to tell others what they must do Weren’t all of us created as either men or women, on this earthly plane Destined to become many tribes and lands, no two of them exactly the same? Why don’t we understand and respect all of our brothers’ and sisters’ pain, Rather than turn into murderous demons, with our bloody arms raised to the sky?
Artist: Dewa 19
Title: Warriors of Love