Warriors Prayer - Manowar

Grandfather, tell my a story!
Alright, go and get your storybook.
No, No, not one of those, a real story!
A real story?
Yes, tell me about when you were a boy.
Well, then, I shall have to take you back with me,
a long way in time...

"It was my thirteenth year on a cold winter's
day, as I walked through the enchanted
forest, I heard the sound of horses, and men
at arms, I felt compelled to walk on and
find the place of these sounds, and when
the forest did clear I was standing on a
hill before me the armies of the worlds
standing, waiting. I thought to myself, for
whom or for what are they waiting?
Suddenly a gust of wind came up from the
North, there appeared a lone rider, holding
a sword of steel, then from the south came
another, bearing a battle ax, from the east
came a third holding a spiked club, and 
finally from the west, a rider who weilded
a great hammer of war. With them came
their soldiers of death, followed by an 
Army of Immortals. They were few in number
but the look in their eyes told all who
beheld them that they would leave this day
only in victory or death. And there was a 
great silence...
My heart began to pound, storm clouds
filled the sky with darkness, rain came, and
the four winds blew with such anger that I
held fast to a tree. I watched the four
riders raise their weapons into the air.
Without warning, screaming their war cry
they led the attack, down to the battle they
rode, they met the armies of the world with
a mighty clash! I could feel the ground
shake, the earth drank much blood that
day. Each of the four, was unto himself,a
whirlwind of doom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When the smoke did clear, many thousands
were dead. There was much blood and gore.
Their bodies lay broken and scattered
across the battlefield like brown leaves
blown by the wind. And I saw the four ride
together to the top of the hill, while below
them the soldiers of death assembled, all
Artist: Manowar
Title: Warriors Prayer