Wasted - 99 Burning


Don't ever forget the ways 
Of golden hopes that lost the fray 
To wasted rainy cloudy days 
That squelched the light, obscured the way 

Light that lived without a hue 
Without a care for me or you 
Life that's led by cold hard fate 
On days that you were forced to wait 

When you looked good 
But no one saw you 
So you didn't exist 

Wait for someone who would care 
But I'm too wasted & no one's there 
I won't compete in a human race 
Find my own way at my own pace 

Tired of fear & being alone 
Desires died assent has grown 
This isn't spite in any way 
Life was spite now it's okay 

At the end, reflecting, 
Like a shattered mirror 
A pool of blood & tears 
It all seems so futile...lost....hopeless 

I have been sacrificed 
On the altar of progress 
Crucified denied nullified 
In the name of excess 

Society, my murderer 
Will get off 
Only to kill again & again 

Entrenched in a Malbowge 
Purgatory teases me 
the revelation mimics me 
Oh yeah, retribution watches tauntingly 

C'mon Jesus, 
Save save enslave me 

Hail Mary full of grace 
Save me from the human race 
Wipe tears of flame from my face 
Help me get out of this place 

Lately things ain't gone the way 
That I'd hoped they would one day 
I hoped to stay true to form 
I wished to take this world by storm 

But I just sit & waste away 
I'm too wasted & no one cares 
I'm too wasted & no one's there 
I'm too wasted & life's not fair 

Artist: 99 Burning
Title: Wasted