When You Wish You Were The Star - Hannah Montana
(Hannah Montana is singing old blue jeans) (Hannah and Lilly go back stage) (Lilly Looks out of Hannah’s dressing room talking to fans saying) Lilly: Hannah you rock I can't believe you did three encores (saying it in exciment Then shuts the door looks at Hannah not happy saying)I can't believe you did Three encores You know we have a Science project due Monday what is wrong with you! Hannah: oh ok Lets leave this boring rock star life behind And get back to The glamorous world of earthworm larva (Roxy knocks on door) Roxy: You decent girl I got your little squeaky friend here Friend: I told you it's a nasal problem and Hannah I brought someone who Wants to meet you Lilly: No way I promised are larva We’d be home by 10 Hannah: Ok fine I'll get rid of whoever it is (Jesse Mccartney walks in) Jesse: Hey I'm Jesse (Lilly screams) Hannah: Oh my gosh it Jesse Mccartney I love you (Excited) I mean big fan Big fan Jesse: listen tonight I am the fan and you did a great job (Jesse hands out Is hand says to Lilly) And you are? Lilly:(Lilly takes and says) Eeep Jesse: Nice to meet you eeep listen Hannah a bunch of my friends an I are Going to the Dragon Room wanna come? Hannah: yes Lilly: No Hannah: No Lilly: Yes Hannah: Excuse us Hannah: What are you doing Lilly: Are science project Hannah: Oh right ok I got the fix you do all the work and I'll go out Jesse Toddles Lilly: I got a better idea you give me the Hannah wig and I'll go out with Jesse Toddles Hannah: I don’t think he speaks eeep Jesse:(pops his head in) Listen ladies if now’s not a good night why don’t We do it tomorrow Hannah: That would be absolutely Lilly: Math test Hannah: Impossible how bought Tuesday Lilly: yearbook committee Hannah: of next week Lilly: Home coming float Hannah: witch I just realized it's no Good either busy busy bee yep that me How bought I just text you Jesse: being rejected in person is enough I don’t need it in writing thanks (Jesse Walks out) (Goes back to Miley house working on science) Miley:(wiggling a worm) This stinks Lilly: (reading a book) Of corse they stink they live in there own poop Miley: not the worms my life I can't believe I gave up Jesse Mccartney for a Slimey piece of fish bait Lilly: Aww (Taking the worm) she didn’t really mean that Ernie she loves You (They stand up and go to balcony) Miley: if only I could tell Jesse the truth he would of understood school Stuff but then I blow the secret this double life is so hard Lilly: oh look a shooting star I wish for an A on the project what do you Wish for Miley: oh I wish I wish there was no secret I wish I was just Hannah Montana all the time! Sure it would make life a whole lot easier
Artist: Hannah Montana