When You're Hot You're Hot - Porter Wagoner

Well me and Homer Jones and Big John Talley
Had a big crap game goin' back in the alley
And I kept rollin' them sevens  , winnin' all them pots
My luck was so good I could do no wrong
I jest kept on rollin' and controllin' them bones
And finally they jest threw up their hands and said
"When you hot, you hot"
I said "Yeah?"

When you're hot, you're hot
And when you're not, you're not
Put all the money in and let's roll 'em again
When you're hot, you're hot
(La la la la la la la) (La la la la la)
(La la la la la la la, when you're hot, you're hot)

Well, now every time I rolled them dice I'd win
And I was just gettin' ready to roll 'em again
When I heard somethin' behind me
I turned around and there was a big old cop
He said "Hello, boys" and then he gave us a grin 'n' said
"Look like I'm gonna hafta haul you all in
And keep all that money for evidence"
I said, "Well, son when you hot, you hot"
He said "Yeah"

When you're hot, you're hot
And when you're not, you're not
You can 'splain it all down at City Hall
I say, yeah, when you're hot, you're hot
You're hot
(La la la la la la la) (La la la la la)
(La la la la la la la, when you're hot, you're hot)

Well, when he took us inta court I couldn't believe my eyes
The judge was a fishin' buddy that I recognized
I said "Hey, judge, old buddy, old pal"
"I'll pay ya that hundred I owe ya if you'll get me outta this spot"
So he gave my friends a little fine to pay
He turned around and grinned at me and said
"Ninety days, Jerry, when you hot, you hot"
'n' I said "Thanks a lot"

When you're hot, you're hot
And when you're not, you're not