You Remain An Angel - Danny Wilson

you belong in heaven,
with all the other angels
do you believe in angels?
ill tell you angels believe in you

Good morning misguided nights understood
im on my knees before you
just show me a ditch where a palace stood
and i will still adore you

i know you belong in another brilliant world
where the skies are bluer than blue
I know this song, is never going to change the world
you remain an angel in my eyes

you remain an angel in my eyes, 
so rest for weary wings
and hang your halo high
when im gone i hope you realize
above all of the  thing you are
an angel in my eyes

i once heard u sing and i could not believe
you sang like a hero 
now who is this bison who makes you behave l
like Robert Deniro
I know you belong in heaven
you can stop pretending the hobbit is bigger than you
i know this song can maybe have a happy ending
when im gone i hope you realize 
above all of the things you are 
an angel in my eyes
one day soon ill paint my wings on the walls of the saying old love will fade 
i stake my claim on the northern monastipa citizenship 
oh ha
I will wish you well, here's some summer music 
for an angel
Well anyway thank you for pushing a smile my way
you sang th same song on a different day
And i know i was wrong to think that we could be together for sixty or seventy years 
but at least i believed we could make it up to here
You remain an angel in my eyes
no rest for weary wings
so hang your heavy halo high
when im gone i hope your realize above all of the things you are
and the things you do, friends my come and go 
but you will remain an angel in my eyes