(You'll Have To Swing It) Mr. Paganini - Ella Fitzgerald

Mister Paganini, please play my rhapsody
And if you cannot play it, won't you sing it
And if you can't sing it, you simply have to
swing it
I said swing it
Oh-oh-oh swing it
And don't ding it

Oh mister Paganini, we breathlessly await
Your masterful d‚tente, go-o on and sling it
And if you can't sling it
You'll simply have to swing it
I said swing it
And scattywahwah
And wahdyscatla

We've heard your repertoire and
At the final bar
We've greeted you with wild applause
But what a great ovation
Your interpretation
Pat-scoodle-atty-doody yeah yeah yeah

Oh Mister Paganini, now don't you be a meanie
What have you up your sleeve, go on and spring it

And if you can't spring it, you'll simply have to
swing it